Noisex · Over and Out

  1. Phalaenopsis 4:21
  2. Real 4:08
  3. Pulsator 6:35
  4. Wasted Dreams 1:51
  5. Inited (Power Noise Movement) 4:27
  6. Bodies 3:56
  7. MaschinWörk 2:51
  8. Rotation (2000rpm) 5:06
  9. Schlachtkörperzerlegung 3:10
 10. 4.025905.907021 1:50
 11. Opok 2:32
 12. Underwolrd Dreamland 3:49
 13. S'age 1:40
 14. Human Control 4:09
 15. Terrible Target 4:44
 16. Over And Out 4:13
 17. CP Drummer (P*A*L rmx) 2:19
 18. Phalaenopis (galan pixs rmx) 2:40

 Jahr: 1996
 Zeit (Mi:Se): 64:21

  CD Index

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